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Recipes to prolong hair

Women have recently started looking for natural recipes to keep their beauty Instead of chemical products, the first recipe women look for is hair extension   Because hair is half the beauty of women So we suggest in this text a set of recipes to prolong the hair

First recipe : Lemon and olive oil

Mix lemon juice with olive oil or coconut by 1 to 2 depending on the length of hair, then apply the mixture thoroughly to the scalp and hair, and wash your hair with shampoo 30 to 45 minutes after applying it and repeat the process once or twice a week.

Second recipe : Castor oil to prolong hair

Castor oil is one of the most popular oils and used in recipes to prolong hair, it controls hair loss as it fights crust and scalp infections. For scalp use, mix any essential oil with castor oil in equal quantities and then wash your hair after 30 to 45 minutes with shampoo.

Third recipe: Use potato juice to prolong hair

Cut the potatoes into small pieces and then add them to the juice on your scalp and leave for 15 minutes, then remove the hair with water and a light shampoo.

Fourth recipe: banana and honey recipe to prolong hair

Prepare a ripe banana and apply it to the hair as a moisturizer. You can mix it with honey or milk and use it as a hair conditioner.

Vitamin E oil to prolong hair
Vitamins are essential for hair growth, and vitamin E oil in particular helps to prolong hair when massage your scalp and leave it overnight and then wash it the next morning with a light shampoo.

  Recipe # 5: Olive oil recipe with cumin

Soak some cumin seeds in olive oil or castor oil for a full night and apply them to your hair the next day and then wash them after 15 minutes with a light shampoo.

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